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Ceiling Solutions

Rockfon develop integrated ceiling solutions that create safer and more favorable indoor environments.

Rockfon suspended ceilings are applied in a variety of demanding building types, such as office, education, retail, sport and leisure, as well as healthcare sector and industrial facilities. Thanks to the excellent properties of Rockwool stone wool ceiling tiles, there is no need to choose between safety and design. Rockfon ceilings ensure comfort to its customers, quick and easy installation for the installers, and unlimited possibilities for interior designers.

Improved acoustics means improved employee efficiency.

Recognising the impact that indoor office environment  and room acoustics have on office workers is important.

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The sound of good health.

Rockfon acoustic solutions do more than reduce noise, they also create calmer, healthier buildings where patients can rest and heal and medical staff can concentrate.


Rockfon acoustic solutions reduce noise levels in classrooms, sports halls, swimming pools and canteens so that students can hear, concentrate, learn, relax and play.

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Sounds good for business.

Rockfon acoustic solutions create pleasant, welcoming soundscapes in malls and retail venues so that customers are relaxed and inclined to stay longer and spend more.

Acoustic solutions create a safe working environment.

Create safe, healthy and productive factories and industrial buildings with Rockfon acoustic solutions. They don’t just reduce noise, they also improve hygiene, safety and air quality.


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